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About Us


The Hungarian Archives is a free, curated, digital online archive created by the American Hungarian Library and Historical Society for the purpose of collecting mainly amateur pre-digital era photos, documents, and other materials of interest to record the histories and lives of Hungarians living around the globe, their communities and their organizations. The objective is to make this archive accessible for research and general interest purposes, with the ability to crowd-source information where it is missing. The content is freely available to the public for review and non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License.


We are seeking submissions from all families and individuals with Hungarian roots or connections who would like to preserve their legacy and share their memories with the public. We also welcome submissions from Hungarian organizations and are keen to collect documents and photographs related to those organizations and businesses that are no longer in existence.


We are inviting you to submit in the following three categories:


While we will consider submissions from anywhere in the world outside of Hungary and the neighboring countries, initially, we will actively collect materials from individuals with Hungarian ancestry living in the United States, especially in the New York area; as well as Hungarian organizations that are still operating – or were active in the past and would like to contribute to the archive with their stories. We will continuously expand the scope of our collection to include other regions and countries such as the wider United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, etc.

SCOPE AND TYPE OF CONTENT We seek to collect mainly pre-digital era photographs, however, digital photos with historical value are also accepted. Submissions are welcomed in the following three categories:

  1. Pre-digital amateur and historical photography (such as photos of Hungarian neighborhoods, events and gatherings, holidays, public figures, historical events, family memorabilia, art collections, etc.).
  2. Limited digital photography (such as major Hungarian community events with notable people, no longer existing Hungarian locales, historically significant moments that have a Hungarian context).
  3. Documents (such as old family documents, family trees, immigration documents, significant letters, postcards, documents relating to Hungarian organizations no longer in existence).


You can submit your items using one of the following methods:

  1. Click on the 'Contribute an Item' and register as a user. Once you set up an account you will be able to upload materials.
  2. Send us a thumb drive to 'The Hungarian Archives,' 215 East 82nd Street, New York, New York 10028. 
  3. Upload your materials to a Shared Drive and provide us with access (using info@hungarianarchives.org).

Alternatively, the American Hungarian Library and Historical Society will scan your documents for a donation (all original documents will be returned to the contributors; we will provide you with a digital copy on a thumb drive for a small fee to cover our costs).


Photos and documents should be scanned with a printer-scanner capable of scanning with the following resolution:


You can contact 'The Hungarian Archives' by sending an email to info@hungarianarchives.org.

The American Hungarian Library and Historical Society (AHLHS) is a registered 501(c)3 organization (EIN: 13-1820182). All donations made to the AHLHS in support of The Hungarian Archives are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. 

The Hungarian Archives was realized in part with a grant and support from the Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő.

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