Ünnepély előtt a református templomban, 1991: Szentikrályi Pál és Juci, Tábor András, Szentkirályi Ödön, Grynaeus Péter, Szappanos István, Némethy György és Judit, Palotayné Júlia, Bócsay Szuszi, Gaydáné Dolesch Melinda.
Photo (portrait) of Cordell Hull Dedicated “To Minister John Pelenyi with highest esteem [signed] Cordell Hull” [hand written] Reference:Cordell Hull (October 2, 1871 – July 23, 1955) was an American politician from Tennessee best known as the…
Originally Exhibited at the "International Women Painters, Sculptors, Gravers" Show at the Riverside Museum in New York, October 17. 1939 to January 14, 1940; confiscated by the US Government after Hungary declared war on the Unites States in 1941…
Print [presumably from a catalogue] of Count Apponyi Albert signed and dedicated [presumably to Pelényi] by his wife. Portrait by Philip de László, early 1930s.
Dedication: “Régi őszinte barátság emlékére [signed ]Apponyi…
Photo of Count István Bethlen [signed] ‘927 [1927] [ed.] V/10 [Front: AHLHS_P.001.1] Backside (AHLHS_P.001.2): “Pelényi’ Collection Other text: 5 6098 [circled] 3/6-11 1.95 Vrd (?) Count István Reference: Bethlen de Bethlen (8 October 1874,…
Portrait photograph of Count Pál Teleki (1 November 1879 – 3 April 1941) was a Hungarian politician who served as prime minister of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1920 to 1921 and from 1939 to 1941.[1] He was also a famous expert in geography, a…