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The American Relative
Originally Exhibited at the "International Women Painters, Sculptors, Gravers" Show at the Riverside Museum in New York, October 17. 1939 to January 14, 1940; confiscated by the US Government after Hungary declared war on the Unites States in 1941…
Széchenyi László
Photo of Széchenyi László [signed], “Washington, 1923 Karácsony”Count László Széchenyi de Sárvár-felsővidék (18 February 1879 – 5 July 1938) was an Austro Hungarian military officer, Imperial Chamberlain, diplomat and venture capitalist. His…
Tags: diplomat, hungary, pelenyi, szechenyi laszlo, washington dc
Sunday Morning (Sunday at Torocko)
Originally Exhibited at the "International Women Painters, Sculptors, Gravers" Show at the Riverside Museum in New York, October 17. 1939 to January 14, 1940; confiscated by the US Government after Hungary declared war on the Unites States in 1941…
Originally Exhibited at the "International Women Painters, Sculptors, Gravers" Show at the Riverside Museum in New York, October 17. 1939 to January 14, 1940; confiscated by the US Government after Hungary declared war on the Unites States in 1941…
Count István Bethlen
Photo of Count István Bethlen [signed] ‘927 [1927] [ed.] V/10 [Front: AHLHS_P.001.1] Backside (AHLHS_P.001.2): “Pelényi’ Collection Other text: 5 6098 [circled] 3/6-11 1.95 Vrd (?) Count István Reference: Bethlen de Bethlen (8 October 1874,…
Tags: bethlen istvan, government, hungary, pelenyi, prime minister
János Pelényi in front of Legation in Washington D.C.
Photo of John [János] Pelényi in front of Legation on 18th Street in Washington D.C. [small format] Backside: “Gift of Sue [presumably Sue Pelenyi] 18th Street Legation” [hand written] Reference [New York Times Obituary]
Tags: ambassador, diplomacy, pelenyi, professor, sue pelenyi
HH Bandholtz, Major General, US Army
Photo of HH Bandholtz, Major General, US Army dedicated “To John Pelényi, … friendship of [signed] HH Bandholtz Major General U.S. Army” [hand written], [Front: AHLHS_P.006.1]Backside [AHLHS_P.006.2]: Label of framing shop in Washington D.C.…
Philip de László painting portrait of Gladys Vanderbilt
Photo of Philip de László, ca. 1920-30, Anonymous Photograph, Lent by Pelényi Collection, painting portrait of Gladys Vanderbilt Széchenyi [wife of László Széchenyi] Additional photo of Portrait of Gladys Vanderbilt displayed at The Breakers in…
Tags: art, breakers, hungary, newport, painter, pelenyi, philip de laszlo, rhodes island, szechenyi, vanderbilt
Pelényi János (1885 - 1974)
Pelényi in front of Legation in Washington DC [large format, same as AHLHS_P.005].Backside [AHLHS_009.2] - Hand written notation: “(Pelényi János 1885-1974”
Tags: pelenyi
Photo of unknown official in traditional Hungarian formal wear
Photo by: [illegible, cut off]
Tags: pelenyi
Argentinába kivándorolt férficserkészeing új feladatokról tárgyaló, megindító tanácskozáson, 1948.
Résztvevők (balról jobbra, elől): Csík Béla, Demes Béla, Oláh György, Nt. Demes Péter, Kerecsendi Kis Márton, Girsik Géza, Szabó Csaba.
Tags: emigráció, exile, hungarian scouts, kmcssz
Argentinába kivándorolt férficserkészeing új feladatokról tárgyaló, megindító tanácskozáson, 1948.
A képen (balról jobbra)
Ülve: Nt. Demes Péter, Ft. Lutter Ferenc, P. Dömötör Ede
Középső sor: Horváth János, Demes Béla, Vácz Elemér, Gorondy Imre,…
Tags: emigráció, exile, hungarian scouts, kmcssz